After a long, very snowy winter in the Northeast, every hunter is anxiously awaiting turkey season. It's two months away, and the cabin fever has set in. In anticipation of turkey season, there is plenty of research to be done: what new products are out, where I'm going to hunt, how I'm going to hunt.
The where and the how are up to you, Boondock Gear has been researching some great products. The first thing that I make sure I have for turkey hunting, is a good decoy setup. Most situations a single hen decoy, such as the Suzie Snood Hen Turkey Decoy. Using a single decoy allows you to pack up quicker, move around more efficiently, but can also be inadequate in some hunting situations.
For multiple decoys, a great set up is the Avian-X LCD (Lifelike Collapsible Decoy) Turkey Decoy Combo. You get two decoys, a LCD Lookout Hen that features a dominant pose with an upright head and higher profile to draw in gobblers ready for courtship and bring in other hens, especially dominant hens. The LCD Jake Quarter Strut displays a sub-dominant pose that brings out the fighting aspect in any big gobbler to bring them running to your spread.
Last, but not least, a nice big Gobbling Tom decoy can be the last piece of the puzzle. The Avian-X LCD Strutter turkey decoy was created with incredible detail and lifelike realism, the is 15% smaller than a real turkey, making it less dominant in the field and therefore more effective in attracting gobblers. Its very lightweight and easy to pack in and out. Having a strutting decoy during the heart of turkey season could be the tool you need to close the deal in the turkey woods.
There are so many variables that take place in spring turkey hunting. We just barely scratched the surface here, but before you head out to the woods early in the morning, make sure you have a plan for your decoys. Every good hunter always scouts the area, locating turkeys the night before in their roost is quite easy with an owl or coyote hooter call. Make sure to always follow your local, and state regulations, and wear the proper gear for turkey hunting.
Tags: turkey hunting, turkey decoys, spring turkey season, jake, hen, tom, gobbler
Article By: David Wiles