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Ani-Logics CRUSH Signature Series Sugar Beet Granular Deer Supplement and Attractant

Ani-Logics CRUSH Signature Series Sugar Beet Granular Deer Supplement and Attractant
$9.99 - $19.99
Flavor: Sugar Beet
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Get those big bucks on your land and hold 'em there with the Ani-Logics® CRUSH® Signature Series™ Sugar Beet Granular Deer Supplement and Attractant. Just pour it on the ground or mix it in with your regular feed, and the sweet smell and taste of sugar beets will have those big bucks stopping by again and again. Plus, this supplement has been packed with tons of nutrients and vitamins that will enhance the overall health of your local deer herd. Created with the help of Lee and Tiffany Lakosky of the CRUSH, this powerful and affordable deer attractant from Ani-Logics is sure to get the local monster bucks haunting your land in time for hunting season.

  • Attracts big bucks to your hunting land
  • Uses the sweet smell and taste of sugar beets
  • Tons of deer-enhancing nutrients and vitamins
  • Powerful and affordable
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