Berkley Gulp! Alive! Minnow 1/2 Pint

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Berkley Gulp! Alive! Minnow 1/2 Pint
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Looks ALIVE, tastes ALIVE and feels ALIVE - because your bait actually ''lives'' in a natural, super-charged GULP! solution! Because Berkley®'s super-realistic, biodegradable Gulp! Alive!® Minnows actually ''live'' in a high-octane Gulp! solution, they absorb up to 20% more attractant. That's 20% more scent, more taste, more action and more reason for fish to snap them up! Each super-charged Gulp! Alive! Minnow disperses its potent scent like a blood trail in the water, and when the fish-catching is over, you can simply put the bait back in the bucket to recharge for another day!

  • Absorb 20% more Gulp! attractant
  • More scent, more taste, and more action
  • Recharge after fishing by placing them back in the bucket
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Web ID: 1307040730568

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