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Gear Guide Terms and Conditions: For approved purchases made with your Bass Pro Shops CLUB card, Cabela’s CLUB card or CLUB Business card issued by Capital One, N.A. The multiplier advertised for Gear Guide item(s) will be calculated by multiplying the advertised amount (e.g. 3X) by your usual percentage of CLUB Points earned on Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s purchases. Promotional flat dollar points are in addition to your usual percentage of CLUB Points earned on Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s purchases. Percentage of points advertised for Gear Guide item(s) are in addition to your usual percentage of CLUB Points earned on Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's (2% for Classic cardholders; 3% for Silver cardholders; 5% for Black and Business cardholders). Allow up to 60 days from transaction posting date for points to appear on your statement. Prices are subject to change and typographical, photographic, and/or descriptive errors are subject to correction. Points are not earned on tax or shipping charges. Offers available on in-stock purchases at U.S. Bass Pro Shops and Cabela's retail stores, online and by calling 800.227.7776 for Bass Pro Shops or 800.555.6224 for Cabela's. For full Gear Guide selection, please see or Bargain Cave and Clearance items excluded. Not valid on purchases made in Boat Centers. Offer expires March 26, 2025.
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Move up in performance, without moving up in price. The popular Daiwa® BG Spinning Reel is leaner and meaner than ever before, starting with its industrial-grade Hardbodyz body and side cover that delivers maximum strength without the extra weight. The uniquely-shaped Air Rotor cuts out up to 15% of the excess weight carried by conventional designs, distributing the load evenly for superior strength and balance, while the oversized Digigear™ machine-cut gears hold firm against hard-charging game fish. Braid-ready Dynamic Cut aluminum ABS spool; quality 7-bearing (6+1) system; impressive waterproof Carbon ATD drag system; machined aluminum screw-in handle for maximum leverage. Equally adapted to fresh- or saltwater.
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