HiViz LITEWAVE Interchangeable Rear Handgun Sight

HiViz LITEWAVE Interchangeable Rear Handgun Sight
Description: Rear Sight
Firearm Model: GLOCK 9/40 .357

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HiViz® LITEWAVE™ Handguns Sights feature an innovative, diagonal-wave exoskeleton frame made of carbon steel that protects the Litepipe from damage, while allowing the LitePipe to gather light from all angles. These rugged Rear Sights enhance sight acquisition in dim light, as well as in full daylight. Their streamlined design does not interfere with holstering or drawing the handgun. HiViz LITEWAVE Handgun Sights come with 3 interchangeable LitePipes (red, green, and black) and a changing key.

  • Protective exoskeleton steel frame
  • Gathers light from all angles
  • Enhances sight acquisition
  • Come with 3 interchangeable LitePipes
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Web ID: 1507311220

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SKU: 2203872
Rear Sight
Firearm Model
GLOCK 9/40 .357
Model Number
Fiber Optic Sights
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