Temple Fork Outfitters TFR Fly Rod

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Temple Fork Outfitters TFR Fly Rod

Product Details

If you're ready and willing to land all the monsters you hook on a Temple Fork Outfitters® Tough Fly Rod (TFR), your fishing trips just became a whole lot more exciting. Take comfort knowing this medium-action rod's more than up to the challenge. Built like a brickhouse, the TFR's powerful butt section drains fish fight with muscle to spare. Recasting heavy lines and flies proves no sweat for this light-weight heavy hitter. Everything from the corrosion-resistant stripping and snake guides to the composite cork handles were built with durability and maximum fish-control in mind. The Temple Fork Outfitters TFR fly rod welcomes all anglers with an easy-to cast personality. Manufacturer's lifetime warranty.

  • Medium-action rod made for landing monsters
  • Powerful butt section drains fish fight with muscle to spare
  • Easily recasts heavy lines and flies
  • Corrosion-resistant stripping and snake guides
  • Durable composite cork handles
  • Manufacturer's lifetime warranty
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Web ID: 100872867

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