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Bass Pro Shops Speed Shad - Electric Blue Shad

The incredible Bass Pro Shops Speed Shad sports an oversized paddle tail for heavy-swimming action. For versatility and ease of rigging, there is a hook slot at the top and at the bottom. A ribbed body gives off extra vibrations to call in wary lunkers. The Speed Shad is great for use on umbrella rigs and is infused with salt and 8up scent attractant. Made in USA. Sizes: 3 (8 pack), 3.8 (6 pack), 4.8 (5 pack), 5-1/4 (4 pack), 6 (4 pack). Colors: (006)Sexy Shad, (012)Bubble Gum, (020)Rock Shad, (021)Pearl, (029)Opaque Chartreuse, (117)Male Perch, (170)Shad, (171)Watermelon, (172)Green Pumpkin Shiner, (250)Green Pumpkin, (336)Ghost Shad, (337)Electric Blue Shad/White Belly, (338)Black Shad, (339)Small Mouth Magic, (379)Pimp Daddy, (517)Electric Blue/Chartreuse, (551)KS Magic, (620)Tennessee Shad, (646)Sight Fish, (647)Bluegill Flash, (648)Ayu, (722)Tin Foil, (909)Pro Blue, (910)Hologram Shad. Type: Soft Baits.

PRICE: $5.99

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