The authentic action, scent and taste of these long-lasting soft plastics will fool the most finicky fish. The erratic darting motion imitates struggling baitfish. Its ideal for working weed lines or docks and along dams. Berkleys next generation in Gulp! has 34% better swimming action than original Gulp! Anglers have waited for years for technology to produce an artificial bait that looks, smells and even tastes like the real thing to attract fish. This is it. Similar in texture, appearance and scent to real bait, Gulp! Alive! baits also possess the color advantages, shape and action of soft plastics. Gulp! Alive! baits use water-soluble, natural ingredients that release over 400 times the amount of fish-attracting scent of standard plastic baits. The scent trail is so intense that fish cannot resist it. Gulp! Alive! baits are 100% biodegradable, so any that you lose while fishing will dissolve in the water in about nine months. Sizes: 5 per approx. 15, 7 per approx. 12. Colors: (097)Chartreuse Pepper Neon, (044)New Penny, (017)Nuclear Chicken, (007)Pearl White, (055)Root Beer Gold. Type: Jerk Baits.