Looking heavy and vulnerable, the nose-weighted Clam The Drop Jig presents an enticing target to fish prowling beneath the ice. Its dense tungsten body plunges through the clutter and into the zone quickly, then hangs at a near 45 angle ",1311010655231-2024292,Clam,,,,,,,,,https://bassproshops.vzck.net/c/100370/603808/9453 prodsku=1311010655231-2024292&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.basspro.com%2Fshop%2Fen%2Fclam-the-drop-jig&intsrc=CATF_4595,,https://assets.basspro.com/image/list/fn_select:jq:first(.%5B%5D%7Cselect(.public_id%20%7C%20endswith(%22main%22)))/2024292.json,COLD WATER LURES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Teva Mandalyn Wedge Ola 2 Thong Sandals for Ladies - Black - 6M,,"The Teva Mush Mandalyn Wedge Ola 2 Toeoop Sandals foradies delivers bothooks and comfort for fun summer activities. Comfortable enough to wear all day, stylish enough to wear all night, the Mandalyn Wedge's comfortable 3-point upper featu