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Lunkerhunt Phantom Spider - 2-1/4" - Poison

Big fish love bursting through the water's surface if a spider is tippy-toeing across, that's why the Lunkerhunt Phantom Spider lure make sense. This lifelike (almost too lifelike) weedless topwater lure has motion-packed walking legs that stride, glide, twitch when you work it across the water. The hollow-body design keeps it afloat, and a self-righting ballast in its sternum helps it mimic the real thing in almost every way. Throw a Lunkerhunt Phantom Spider lure out into the lily pads, and you'll see how well big fish and spiders get along. Big fish eat big spiders Motion-packed walking legs Lifelike appearance Weedless, hollow-body design Self-righting ballast in its sternum

PRICE: $11.99

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