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Lunkerhunt Prop Fish - 3-1/4" - Perch

When bass are shallow but skittish, the Lunkerhunt Prop Fish will force them out of their funk. This revolutionary hollow-bodied topwater bait is equipped with a unique propeller tail that creates a powerful disturbance as it swims along the surface, like a distressed baitfish flipping and breaking on top. The Prop Fish's balanced, weedless design allows it to skip easily over and through lily pads, reeds, timber, and weed mats, madly churning water as it goes; bass lying in ambush will find it easy to track this bait down and launch an attack. Collapsible body with premium dual hooks; assures an extra-high hookup percentage. Deadly for lethargic bass in the shallows Unique propeller tail Strong churning, gurgling, splashing action Balanced, weedless design Collapsible body with premium dual hooks Superior hookup ratio

PRICE: $10.99

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