The Pachmayr Decelerator Slip-On Recoil Pad combines the advanced recoil control of the popular Decelerator with a patented Speed-Mount insert for quick installation. Hunters and target shooters benefit from smooth, snag-free mounting. ",100144579-2569757,Pachmayr,,,,,,,,, prodsku=100144579-2569757&,,,SHOOTING/GUN ACCESSORIES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wrangler RIGGS Workwear Ripstop Carpenter Pants for Men - Antique Indigo - 42x36,,"The Wrangler RIGGS Workwear Ripstop Carpenter Pants for Men have the toughness and functionality you need for every job. Room2Move provides full freedom of movement for unmatched comfort while you're on the job, while multiple tool