Hard grunts are made by both boars and sows. The grunts of a wild hog sound very muchike those of a domestic pig. Because of the wild hog's strong pack instinct and its curious nature, they will often investigate the sounds of other hogs. ",65092,,,,,,,14.99,,,https://bassproshops.vzck.net/c/100370/603808/9453 prodsku=65092&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.basspro.com%2Fshop%2Fen%2Fprimos-hunting-calls-hog-grunter&intsrc=CATF_4595,,https://assets.basspro.com/image/list/fn_select:jq:first(.%5B%5D%7Cselect(.public_id%20%7C%20endswith(%22main%22)))/1164067.json,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Northland Fishing Tackle Bro Bug Ice Spoon - 7/8", 1/16 oz. - UV Pink Tiger