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Strike King Tour Grade Fluorocarbon Fishing Line - 15 Lb. Test

When it really counts, you want the best available line between you and the fish. Strike King Tour Grade Fluorocarbon is not a "cheap" line; it exists at the other end of the scale, where performance in every aspect matters greatly. Made to exacting specifications with top-quality Japanese fiber, Tour Grade Fluorocarbon Fishing Line is unique in that each version, from 6-lb. test to 25-lb. test, is individually optimized to provide the right mix of manageability, ease of use, and toughness. So whether you'd need superior handling for finesse fishing with light line, or extra abrasion resistance for combat fishing with heavy line, each weight of Tour Grade Fluoro is constructed to emphasize different properties to better support your approach. Comes equipped with an innovative suction-cup mount and tension adjustment for easy spooling in any location; includes a pre-addressed, postpaid envelope for recycling your old line. Superbly crafted with top-quality Japanese fiber Optimized by weight class for superior performance Balances manageability, ease of use, and toughness Suction-cup mount and tension adjustment for easy spooling Includes postpaid envelope for recycling old line

PRICE: $29.99

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