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Tsunami Timber Lure Pencil Popper - 6" - Blue Mackerel

Pop and slash the Tsunami Timber Lure Pencil Popper to imitate fleeing baitfish, or reel it in slowly with "walk-the-dog" action. Either way, this popper lure brings performance saltwater game fish just can't resist. Handcrafted from northern basswood, the Pencil Popper is beefed up with heavy-duty, stainless steel through-wire construction and split rings. Durable, triple-epoxy-coated finish and VMC 4X Perma Steel hooks. Can be worked hard subsurface or walked on top Handcrafted from northern basswood Stainless steel through-wire and split rings Durable triple epoxy-coated finish VMC 4X Perma Steel hooks

PRICE: $16.99

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