Rightline Foam Block Stand-Up Paddle Board Carrier

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Product Details

The Rightline Gear® Foam Block Stand Up Paddle Board Carrier conveniently attaches to vehicles with or without a roof rack. Attach the carrier's straps to a vehicle's roof rack, or use the Car Clips to attach the straps to a vehicle's door-frame weather molding. This carrier does not require straps to run through the inside of the vehicle. This SUP Carrier sports Dual Lock Straps to secure the foam blocks to the rack or roof, so they don't shift during transport. The same straps secure the SUPs to the foam blocks for greater stability. The foam blocks can be spaced apart to fit wide or narrow SUPs. Foam spacers allow for the stacking of 2 SUPs. Rubber guards protect the vehicle and SUPs from the metal cam buckles on the straps. The Foam Block Stand-Up Paddle Board Carrier makes getting your SUPs to the water easy. Includes 4 foam blocks, 2 foam spacers, 2 dual lock straps, 4 car clips, 1 SUP end strap, and mesh carry bag.

  • Designed for all vehicles, with or without a roof rack
  • Foam blocks strap to rack or roof: no shifting during transport
  • With a roof rack: foam blocks fit aero, square, and round cross bars
  • Without a roof rack: cross-bar cutouts remain in foam blocks for better support
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Web ID: 101022639

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